Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rosacea - Sensitive Skin

Today, I would like to discuss Rosacea with you.  Generally, Rosacea is a condition in which your
cheeks and nose area become red and inflammed and often pitted with pimples and broken capillaries.  Left alone, this condition could result in scarring within your dermal tissue even to the point of advanced Rhinophyma which is what happened to
W.C. Fields and his bulbous nose.

We are presented with clear evidence that "something" is causing the skin to be inflamed and it is the strong research findings of Dr. Ben Johnson that most triggers are related to digestion/foods.  Some clinicians argue that exercise and environmental changes are triggers; however, these factors could cause further excitation of the existing inflamed state of the skin but are not the sole problem.

Rosacea causes the skin to thin much faster than the normal aging process which then exposes capillaries and visible signs of Telangetasia are present.

Let's Consider Calming and Repairing Compromised Rosacea Skin

Individuals that suffer with Rosacea generally have red and inflammed cheeks and often their nose is also involved.  Most of the redness we see is a normal repair response of our body to correct the damage...that is a good thing.   According to Dr. Johnson, "many treating physicians and skin care professionals place the blame on the vascular system and thus collapse these healing vessels with lasers."  Initially, one may think that would be a good thing.  However, when you think about our body and the gift of our vascular system, it's purpose is to feed the tissue with antioxidants, enzmes, proteins and lips to maintain a beautiful complexion.  So, if we destroy the capillaries that are feeding our tissue, we seem to be defeating the purpose of healing the Rosacea in the long run.

CALM is a product Osmosis Skin Care has developed to address Rosacea.  One of the important aspects of calming the tissue is through antioxidants that are found naturally in the skin and that is why CALM provides such an effective anti-inflammatory.  In addition, another ingredient, Willow Herb is highly effective at calming the skin.  The overall goal is to minimize the degradation of the skin and redirect the skin's immune capabilities to rebuilding (instead of repair) efforts.

Skin Rebuilding Effects 

As discussed above, the prevailing treatments within the past few years has been to collapse the capillaries.  At Osmosis, Dr. Johnson has chosen to rebuild the collagen lost and blanket these nutrient vessels with more dermis so that they are less visible.  He has also found a way to regulate the vascular activity.  Both of these actions are achieved with Retinaldehyde.  Studies show that .05% Retinaldehyde improves Rosacea without irritating the skin.  Studies also show that Retinaldehyde regulates VEGF, a key to its ability to normalize the redness often seen in Rosacea.  This product also assists with exfoliation, is antibacterial, collagen stimulating and sebum-regulating.

The end result is that we calm inflammation and reduce the ongoing thinning effects of the condition while rebuilding it to its healthy, non-vascular, redness-free state.

Please contact me at 214-918-6278 if you would like to order CALM to start your healing process.
Initially, when treating Rosacea, we would begin with CALM and then after gaining control of the inflammation, start a program of using Catalyst and Stem Factor.  All products are very affordable and will achieve the results you are seeking.

Best regards,
Carol Wieser

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